# **Welcome to DragonSmolt’s Lair A.K.A. The “Sandbox”**
### A “Sandbox” is defined as: “as an experimental testing platform independent of your natural environment”
### Nothing within these spaces are meant to be of serious significance, or even permanent in nature.
### ALL are welcome; the only endangered species are Trolls, Spammers & Scammers!
### Please **[REGISTER](https://dragonsmolt.com/index.php?r=user%2Fauth%2Flogin "REGISTER")** to view and create content. However, you may join our Chatroom as a “Guest”
### So jump right in. Hop onto the **[LIVE CHATROOMS](https://dragonsmolt.com/index.php?r=custom_pages%2Fview&id=8 "LIVE CHATROOMS")** and join in on the conversation!
### Be sure to take the “Welcome Tour” and explore the different **[SPACES](https://dragonsmolt.com/index.php?r=space%2Fspaces "SPACES")** or create your own.